St Mark's, South Norwood                                                           


Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray between Ascension Day (21 May) and Pentecost (31 May) for more people to come to know Jesus.

Praying for people to come to know the love, hope and peace found in Christ is at the heart of Thy Kingdom Come.

Daily Prayer for Thy Kingdom Come is a great way to set up regular, daily patterns of prayer to hold these people in prayer – whether you are doing so on your own, as a household, or joining with a small group or as a church virtually.



The resource is available in a range of offline and free online formats:

The booklet – in full-colour and complete with services, psalms and readings – is available now from Church House Publishing for just £1.99 with Free UK Delivery when you order online (with bulk discounts on 10s and 50s).

The free app for iOS and Android – containing audio for Morning, Evening, Day and Night Prayer from the booklet for all 11 days. The app has been updated with 2020 Sunday psalms and readings and a new feature that allows you to set reminders for any or all the services at times that suit you.

A podcast featuring all eight hours of the Daily Prayer for Thy Kingdom Come audio is also launching soon.

Smart speaker – from Thursday 21 May (Ascension Day), you can also get Alexa and Google Home to ‘Ask the Church of England for today’s Thy Kingdom Come’ to hear a short service of Prayer During the Day (before 7pm) and Night Prayer (after 7pm) throughout the 11 days.

Watch a special Thy Kingdom Come Pentecost Service with the Archbishop of Canterbury and a range of other contributors from 9am on Sunday 31st May here.

More new resources from Thy Kingdom Come

Due to the current Coronavirus pandemic, Thy Kingdom Come is going to look slightly different this year.

Find out about new initiatives – like Prayer and Care – and further resources, including the Interactive Prayer Map for families, to help you get involved in new ways.


Copyright © 2020 The Church of England, All rights reserved.

First published on: 14th May 2020
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